Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Overseas Edition: hello from Arctic circle

So-b is now a few kilometre near the Arctic circle, hoping to see aurora tonight during a snowmobile drive... yes, he is travelling in Finland now and hence the post has to be in English... Daylight is brief here, only from 9am to 4pm.... seeing the first beam of sunlights while writing this post. Feeling good and expect to visit Santa Claus this afternoon.

The only sad thing is that, can't show you any photo...

here are some links to get you into the mood

Santa Claus village

Aurora (which needs some luck to see..., though it was cloudy yesterday)


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Hope So-b will be lucky enough to see aurora and tell me how handsome Santa Claus is!!!

  2. Anonymous11:48 PM

    wish i were there too!! HoHoHooo~

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hope u can see Aurora and look forward to see beautiful photo~
